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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How do I teach my child about strangers?

Unfortunately, the old saying "Never talk to strangers" isn't enough to keep children safe. Children may be confused by our use of the word "stranger." Children see their parents talk to strangers everyday, at the grocery store, at a ticket counter, even at their own front door. Children also may think that strangers are big, scary men who dress in dark clothing and lurk in the shadows.

It's important to give kids specific instructions about what they should do if a person they don't know approaches them. Here are some suggestions of clear messages to give your child:

1. Never go with anyone anywhere, even if you know the person, unless mommy or daddy says it's OK.

2. Never accept gifts from someone you don't know.

3. Never get in a car with anyone, even if you know the person, unless mommy or daddy says it's OK.

4. If someone you don't know offers you candy or a ride, run away and yell loudly, "I don't know you" or "This is not my dad" or "This is not my mom."

5. Tell mommy or daddy if someone you don't know offers you a ride or a gift, touches you, or tries to be friendly with you.

Regularly remind your child that he should never be shy about running away from someone he doesn't know. Let him know that it's OK not to be polite to an adult he doesn't know.

Start giving your child these messages early and often, and they will become second nature.

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