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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Top Natural Cellulite Reduction Treatments

There are two camps when it comes to what cellulite actually is, with discussions and findings being controversial. Doctors in Britain and the US did not see cellulite as a medical issue, but as fat in body tissue, pure and simple. In Europe it is seen as a toxic problem, with many health and beauty experts believing that cellulite is a build up of waste materials in the tissue that cause inflammation, and therefore, toxins needs to be removed from the body to successfully eliminate cellulite. Looking at cellulite from an alternative health perspective seems to be a more European way to approach its treatment. However, the following methods for natural cellulite reduction are gaining popularity in the States.

- A Naturopathic Approach
From a Naturopathic standpoint a raw food diet of about 75% claims to prevent the formation of cellulite, as well as reduce and eliminate it. Natural cellulite reduction will occur if you eat two or three pieces of citrus fruits daily; celery, cucumber and watermelons are highly beneficial, and drink beetroot juice as well as getting plenty of minerals and vitamins from seaweed and Spirulina.

- Skin Brushing Stimulates Toxic Release
To remove toxic buildup in your body it is advisable to skin brush twice daily in the morning and evening, which aids the stimulation off the lymphatic system which helps to flush the body. To skin brush start at your feet, including your soles, and then move up your legs, brushing the front and back with firm upward strokes. Move to your hands and brush up the arms towards your shoulders and neck. Then brush your back and buttocks. As you brush, think about brushing towards the heart and finish off, gently, at your stomach using a clockwise motion. After you have stimulated your skin, shower for a few minutes alternating between warm water and cold water for about thirty seconds each.

- The Sweet Smell of Success
Aromatherapy, a centuries old holistic approach, has been used very effectively as a natural cellulite reduction treatment. It uses essential oils to cure conditions and, coupled with a workout regimen, can successfully treat cellulite. Various essential oils can be used with different properties such as detoxifying, stimulating to the lymphatic system, hormone balancing and even mildly diuretic to treat inflammation and toxic body waste. For example a blend of black pepper, geranium, fennel, rosemary and juniper can be mixed with a base oil and applied using specialized forms of massage that will aid in stimulating and draining the lymphatic system.

Natural cellulite reduction treatments can take weeks or months depending on how severe the cellulite is, and how long it has been around. Importantly the duration for cellulite reduction, and eventually removal, also depends on how the sufferer diets and exercises, and how committed they are to a complete program. Sasha Bennet writes about women's health and fitness issues. To learn more about how to be cellulite free visit

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a good tips for somebody whicha have that problem

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