Lately, the world has spread the epidemic of Barack Obama’s fever. All people, maybe around the world, talking about Obama. And his victory few days ago, really exciting for many people.
But, in the last week, people started to get infecting by a new epidemic…James Bond’s fever.
As far as I can see, at least here, many malls with cinema, very crowded coz many people want to see the latest James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace. And even, the cinema allows people to book a ticket or buy a pre ticket 3 days before the show. Hmmmm….then I was so curious, how good this movie is? But, who can resist James Bond..I think almost James Bond movie, was very interesting….
Well, at least….while people are really stress with economic crisis, this James Bond’s movie comes up as “solace” to entertain and refresh your mind.
But, if we really take a look of this James Bond characters, well, at least according to my husband, and me…James Bond’s behavior and attitude, are needed for this economic crisis.
This James Bond have 7 attitude (at least, in my point of view), i.e:
1. Realistic, try to accept any kind of situation and face it whether you like it or not
2. Always ready, be prepared for anything
3. Believe his instinct (follow your heart)
4. Network, when having problem, he always can ask help from friends
5. Never gives up, no matter how bad the situation is, we can not give up. Try to find the solution. Never say “I can’t”
6. Bold enough to take chances & risks, you know that high risk generates high return.
7. Has vision, he always gets what he wants in the end no matter what (despite all the hardships and rule-bending-actions)
According to me, this movie, besides giving entertaining also has an inspirational things to motivate us, so, we can facing what we have in crisis. And Daniel Craig absolutely shows how tough he was…….(two thumbs up!).
Well, its only what I thought… you may agree or not, its up to you…..:)
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