You might be wondering, is it really works? Is hug really has such a great power that could make us health, live longer, and look young? When the last time since you hug someone or somebody had hug you? If your answer is “seldom” or even “never”, try to remember, what were you feel lately? You might be get sick often, depressed, stressed, headache, and emotional.
Many research show that hug therapy can heal physical and mental illness. It can overcome stress, depression, and others. Person who is hugged or hugging, feel a power of love around them. This power increases our body immunity.
The hug of peace
When we’re hugging, our body released the oxytocine, hormone that related to peace and love feeling. Oxytocine hormone makes our heart and mind healthier. The hormone will come out automatically from body, if the person has a health life and peaceful feeling.
When we’re hugging, our body released the oxytocine, hormone that related to peace and love feeling. Oxytocine hormone makes our heart and mind healthier. The hormone will come out automatically from body, if the person has a health life and peaceful feeling.
Hug therapy is the same with walked therapy. Hug therapy increases our body balanced, health and reduce stress level, especially for young professional. But it doesn’t mean that you have to find spouse or lover to do it. Hug can be done with anybody in love and peaceful feeling. Of course, it has not a negative meaning moreover with a passion. This hug also is not a social hug such as, shaking hand, etc, but it is a touching hug, that really touched and binding each other. When you were hugging, you will feel so comfort and peace.
In Indonesia, and also some of others countries, hug only done by couple, relatives, parents to children. In America, there is a foundation that coordinated and do some campaign of “free hugs” on street. So, don’t be surprised if one day when you were visiting America or Europe, we could see some people with big plank on chest, with Free Hug sign. They are volunteers that give hug therapy to every single person who need it.
Healthier children
“But remember, although it’s only a shake hand or touched cheek to cheek, this could be a benefit as well. There is warmth when we shake hand. But if, it’s more than that, plus a real hug, it will have an extra benefit, since it gives more thru therapy element”, said Dr. Bhagat, one of doctors in India that researching an effect of hug. Hopefully, the community will know the benefit of hug, so as a couple they will hug more and also to their children.
“But remember, although it’s only a shake hand or touched cheek to cheek, this could be a benefit as well. There is warmth when we shake hand. But if, it’s more than that, plus a real hug, it will have an extra benefit, since it gives more thru therapy element”, said Dr. Bhagat, one of doctors in India that researching an effect of hug. Hopefully, the community will know the benefit of hug, so as a couple they will hug more and also to their children.
The whole part of our skin, from tiptoe till head is very sensitive. Even when baby still in pregnancy, and protected by amniotic water, he/she really likes to be touched by parents. If he/she is often touched, then he/she will grow in healthy and have a nice growth. Psychically, the baby will grow healthier and become a loving person.
Children that often to be touched, caressed and hugged by parents will grow as a healthy child. They will feel comfort and have a good self confidence. Then, their growth and health is better than a child who never touched and hugged.
Children that often to be touched, caressed and hugged by parents will grow as a healthy child. They will feel comfort and have a good self confidence. Then, their growth and health is better than a child who never touched and hugged.
Even for adult and parents, touched and hugged is very important. Moreover, when they were in depression or stressed. By hugged, adults feel loved and needed.
Transformation of comfort
A master reiki in Mumbai, India , says,"hug is one of tool to transform. Hug makes one person closer to others. If your relationship with someone in problems, hug will make it better. If your marriage is in trouble, hug your couple 20 times a day. I am sure there will be no divorce. In the other hand, your life both will be happier, healthy, and ageless. And you will be free of stress and depression".
A master reiki in Mumbai, India , says,"hug is one of tool to transform. Hug makes one person closer to others. If your relationship with someone in problems, hug will make it better. If your marriage is in trouble, hug your couple 20 times a day. I am sure there will be no divorce. In the other hand, your life both will be happier, healthy, and ageless. And you will be free of stress and depression".
Dr. Harold Voth, senior psychiatrist in Kansas, United States has conducted research with some hundred people. The result, those who is hug each other can dissipate depression, improve body immunity, ageless, sleep well more, and healthier. If baby or child is sick and fussy, don't let them alone, just hug them, and they will feel comfortable. Until their body immune feel better, and their health even also will much better. You as parent also get effect either from this hug therapy. You will be healthier, young, and freed from depression.
Hug can heal physical and mental illness. Touch that produced by hug help to lessen the pain. Some of hard disease frequently make its patient feels frustration, angry, unlikely its disease can’t be healed. With hug, patient that felt frustration will feel comfortable. Hug gives positive energy to patient’s emotion. Hug transforms negative emotion into positive emotion. Moreover, if patient gets hug from the one he/she loved very much. Isn't it true that love is the most powerful strength, and hug is one of to show it.
So, what are you waiting for….???
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